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Partners APMT

Scientific Partners
JKU - Institute for Analytical Chemistry (JKU-IAC)
JKU - Institute of Polymer Chemistry (JKU-ICP)
JKU - Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials (JKU-CTO)
JKU - Institute of Polymer Extrusion and Building Physics (JKU-IPEB)
JKU - Institute of Polymer Injection Moulding and Process Automation (JKU-IPIM)
JKU - Institute of Polymeric Materials and Testing (JKU-IPMT)
JKU - Institute of Polymer Product Engineering (JKU-IPPE)
JKU - Institute of Polymer Science (JKU-IPS)
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (FHOOE)
Transfercenter für Kunststofftechnik GmbH (TCKT)

Company Partners
Eckart GmbH (ALTEC)
Borealis AG (BOR)
ENGEL Austria GmbH (ENGEL)
Greiner Bio-One International AG (GREIN)
OMV Exploration & Production GmbH (OMV)
Poloplast GmbH & Co KG (POLO)
SML Maschinen GmbH (SML)
Starlinger & Co GmbH (STAR)