PPS-29 - 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society | Nürnberg (D), July 15-19, 2013 Drucken

M. Aigner, D. Salaberger, A. Buchsmaum, B. Heise, S.E. Schausberger, T. Köpplmayr, C. Lang, M. Leitner, D. Stifter, I. Milosaljevic, J. Miethlinger. "The Influence of glass fibers on elongational viscosity studied by means of optical coherence tomography and X-ray computed tomography, Proceedings of the Polymer Society 29th Annual Meeting" – Conference Paper


C. Kneidinger, G. Zitzenbacher, J. Miethlinger, G. Steinbichler. "Analysing Melt Homogeneity in a Single-screw Plasticizing Unit of an Injection Moulding Machine by Means of CFD Methods" – Conference Paper


K. Straka, B. Praher, G. Steinbichler. "The Influence of glass fibers on elongational viscosity studied by means of optical coherence tomography and X-ray computed tomography, Proceedings of the Polymer Society 29th Annual Meeting" – Conference Paper


B. Praher, K. Straka, J. Usanovic, G. Steinbichler. "Ultrasound based monitoring of the injection moulding process - methods, applications and limitations" – Poster